Acts of kindness have the potential to make the world a happier place.
It's mental health awareness week and the theme this year is Kindness!
Why do acts of kindness make us feel good?
Helping each other has been shown to be good for our own mental health; it helps reduce stress and can improve our overall wellbeing. This means that being kind to someone can not only make them feel supported and cared for, but can also make you feel good too. Random act of kindness, however small, can have the power to brighten someone’s (and your) day.
Kindness breeds kindness
It’s important to remember that kindness also breeds kindness. When we hear about the generosity and support that others have given during this time, it inspires us to be kind too.
We all have so much going on in our lives, lots of strains and stresses, and we are currently living in a combative political atmosphere. Being kind can get pushed to one side, in favour of what is urgent or what is trending now. But taking time to be kind to other people can make you feel good, help reduce stress and be beneficial for your own emotional wellbeing.
As part of the Mental Health Foundation’s work to help people lead mentally healthy lives, we have produced this guide to show the positive impact that helping others can have on your own mental health, including some tips and suggestions to help you get started. So, take a few minutes, have a read and think about doing something for a friend or a stranger today. What acts of kindness should I do during COVID-19?
Random acts of kindness do not have to be big gestures. Think about the last time someone did something nice for you and you’ll realise that even the smallest acts can have a big impact. Although a lot of things have changed through COVID-19, the fundamental ways that we can be kind to each other remain the same.
You might want to do something for someone else or take note if you experience a random act of kindness.
Getting started with Kindness
Not sure where to start? I’ve put together some suggestions to help you out:
Kindness at home and in your community
Call a friend that you haven’t spoken to for a while
Post a card or letter to someone you are out of touch with
Send flowers to a friend out of the blue
Find out if a neighbour needs any help with shopping
Send someone a handwritten thank you note
Walk your friend’s dog
Tell your family members how much you love and appreciate them
Help with household chores
Check on someone you know who is going through a tough time
Kindness at work
Remember to say hi to colleagues and ask how they are
Get to know a new member of staff
Lend your ear - listen to your colleague who is having a bad day
Say thank you to a colleague who has helped you
Praise a colleague for something they have done well
Kindness in public places
Be a considerate cyclist/driver
Pick up some rubbish lying around in the street
Smile and say hello to people you may pass every day, but have never spoken to before
Evidence shows that being kind really does improve your wellbeing. What’s more, the more you do for others, the more they are likely to do for you.
A little act of kindness – today
Reach out to someone who is lonely. Someone who never rings you or lives alone. Send them a message by phone or by post. Tell them something nice – it’ll brighten their day – and yours! 😊
I hope you join me this week in spread your kindness to others.
I have to learn to be kind to myself so I can be kind to others